Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A World in Blocks

I recently came across this poem by Robert Louis Stevenson and have been thinking about it ever since. The little boy is the son of a family friend.
What are you able to build with your blocks?
Castles and Palaces, Temples and Docks.
Rain may keep raining, and others go roam
But I can be happily biulding at home.
Let the sofa be mountains, the carpet be sea
There I'll establish a city for me.


  1. Absolutely L.O.V.E. this Bethany! You are amazing!

  2. What a beautiful painting Bethany.

  3. That dragon's head is FANTASTIC! Very cool, Beth. Just the thing to cheer you up :)

  4. How neat, Beth! Wonderful! How lucky Becky is to have such a neat painting! Very representative of him!

  5. Beth!!! These look absolutely incredible! I love and miss you so much sweet girl!!! I have wanted to call you so badly lately but I no longer have your phone number since I changed phones... my number is still the same, please call me when you have a chance!! LOVE YOU! :D

    Lindsay Jardine
